
EC Wisconsin News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Registry shows 258 sex offenders living in Manitowoc County in week ending March 4

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There were three fewer registered sex offenders living in Manitowoc County in the week ending March 4 compared to the previous week, according to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.

There were 258 sex offenders registered in Manitowoc County in the week ending March 4, compared to 261 the week before.

The Registry shows 231 of these sex offenders are White.

Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely than White Americans to be given lengthy prison terms after being found guilty of sexual assault offenses. Between 2006 and 2017, sentencing for sexual abuse convictions among Black people increased by 1,330.47%, while sentences for White people fell by 8.66%.

Wisconsin, which ranks eighth for the overall number of sex offenders, ranks fifth for sex offenders per 100,000 residents.

A total of 767,023 people were listed on state sex offender registries as of April 2022. This is approximately a two percent decrease from 2021.

Frequently updated information about sex offenders in Wisconsin can be found online here.

Registered sex offenders in Manitowoc County as of week ending March 4

Aaron SheltonBlackLewd, lascivious behavior in public
Adam BayerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Adam M. PaulowWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Adam P. BorlandWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Adam R. MeidlWhiteChild enticement
Alan J. EbenhoeWhiteChild enticement
Alex L. MccordWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Alexander P. MuellerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Allen E. JenningsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Andrew J. JenningsWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Andrew RamosWhiteSexually violent person commitment, second-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Angela M. DejardineWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Anthony B. WadeBlackAssault with intent to commit sexual abuse
Anthony LoweBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Antonio V. CarpioWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Arthur W. BehnkeWhiteSexual assault of a child
Austin D. VeldboomWhiteFourth degree sexual assault
Austin J. AlexanderWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Benjamin Phillip WolvinAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault
Blake D. KuekerWhiteEntice a child to remove clothes
Brandon J. PreslWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brandon S. WagnerWhiteSexual assault-overcome victims will - attempt
Brian J. CallahanWhitePossession of child pornography, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Brian James PayneWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Brian L. ArmstrongWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Brian W. SprangWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Bryan E. MancheskiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Caleb C. CampionWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Calvin Duayne LaflashWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 3rd degree
Carl J. StitesWhiteChild enticement
Carol R. MetzWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Cassandra A. CainWhiteChild enticement
Chad E. GraefeWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Chad J. OlmWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Chad W. KakesWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles LandaWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Charles R. VallejoWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Charlie ThiryWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Cher HerAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher B. SeefeldtWhiteSexual assault of a child
Christopher C. VanWhiteChild enticement
Christopher John KuikWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Christopher KornellyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Christopher L. WoodruffWhiteChild enticement
Christopher R. GulsethWhiteChild enticement
Christopher TheysWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Clarence L. YelvingtonBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Clarke R. BarberWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Clint W. KinowskiWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Colin J. JaegerWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Corey John StrzyzewskiWhiteSexual assault (attempt), child enticement
Craig A. ErdmanWhiteChild enticement
Curtis CannonAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Daniel BartzWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Daniel L. MayAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeThird-degree sexual assault
Daniel L. VanettenWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Daniel O. BoelterWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Daniel R. KummerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Danyonne P. WillBlackFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Darik T. VossWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Darrell R. GroothoffWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Darrick D. BoldenBlackFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Darryl J. JonesBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David A. KlingholzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David A. KopetskyWhiteSexual assault of a student by school staff
David A. ShefferWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David G. PfeiferWhitePossession of child pornography
David M. O'connorBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Daylin Keith SmithWhiteSexual battery
Dean L. LuebkeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Dekota A. RaybernWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Demetrius AllenBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Dennis M. ShiltsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Devan P. SchroederWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Donald L. GerloffWhiteChild enticement
Douglas DefereWhiteSexually violent person commitment, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Douglas E. ZornWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 1st degree
Dustin J. BarbierWhiteIndecent liberty with a child
Dustin Martin Wright-MccollumWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Edward C. MathiesenWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, second-degree sexual assault
Edward D. UrbanekWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Edwin W. SchadWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Elmer J. BurnsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Elroy M. SchneiderWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Elvis H. BaerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Emilio M. RenteriaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Eric James ScribnerWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 4th degree
Eric P. SalkowskiWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Erik J. ButzenWhiteUse of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime
Erik N. SmithWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Erin D. WieldWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Erin Daniel DriscollWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Francis G. RusboldtWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Frank J. WalskiWhiteFourth-degree sexual assault
Gabriel Davis PedahelWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Gale F. LebrickWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Gary C. DenoyerWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Gary HangAsian or Pacific IslanderRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Gary TuschlWhiteAggravated criminal sexual battery attempt
Gerald W. DentonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Harlan H. RandallWhiteSexual assault of a child
Heather A. BoyerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Herman E. GrawienWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Hunter G. JacquartWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Isaac J. MetzWhiteFalse imprisonment, third-degree sexual assault
Isaac J. Wilda-SpechtWhiteBattery, false imprisonment
Isaac ValdezWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Jacob J. ArmijoWhiteIndecent exposure
James B. JarrellWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James D. HagenowWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James E. LyonsWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
James Edward NadeauWhiteChild enticement
James J. KennedyWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials, second-degree sexual assault of a child, sexual exploitation of child, soliciting a child for prostitution, possession of child pornography
James J. RussellWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
James Joseph TypnerWhiteElectronic means for procuring minors for obscene purpose, attempted indecent liberties-victim less than fifteen years of age
James LaffertyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James R. DeckerWhiteNot guilty by reason of mental disease
James W. HeinickeWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Jan M. FrickeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jane L. WienschWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason C. ReichardWhiteAttempted lewd or lascivious assault upon child
Jason P. WitakWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jay XiongAsian or Pacific IslanderChild enticement
Jeff J. ChaulsettWhiteAttempted criminal sexual assault
Jeffrey A. BusalacchiWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey T. BauerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jenifer TetleyWhiteFalse imprisonment
Jeremy StarrWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jesse E. ArnoldWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jesse E. ChristophersonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jimmy W. HayesBlackFirst-degree sexual assault
Joe XiongWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 2nd degree victim under 13
John AustinWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John D. BruetteWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
John E. LaflashWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, third-degree sexual assault
John P. GreenleafWhiteKnowingly receive child pornography
John ProchazkaWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John W. LeeWhiteChild enticement
John W. VigueWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Jose Raul BalderasWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 2nd degree - assault
Joseph C. HarrisonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joseph M. StevensWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Joseph W. BerresWhiteExposing genitals to a child, second-degree sexual assault
Juan A. SalinasWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Justen L. CarterAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Justin Gene MuehlbauerWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Justin J. CleeremanWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Justin J. DebaucheWhiteChild enticement
Kaloeb Alan HeinzenWhiteSolicitation to commit aggravated luring a minor for sexual exploitation
Kelly J. MccredieWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Kelvin D. JonesBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Kevin D. TestroeteWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault
Kevin E. HartlaubWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kevin J. IsaacsonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Kevin L. SchmirlerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Khamchanh PhajitAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Kou YangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Larry F. HolubWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Laura M. BatesWhiteSexual assault of a student by school staff
Lawrence P. SeidlWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Lawrence T. BaileyBlackPossess/distribute/exhibit an intimate representation
Lee A. SmithWhiteSexually violent person commitment, first-degree sexual assault of a child, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Leon HostakWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Leon T. SumrallWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Levon M. SorgeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Lowell Edward GuernseyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Mark A. JahnkeWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Mark J. ReznichekWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Mark J. SeidlWhiteChild enticement
Mark PosvicWhiteSexual assault of a child, sexual assault
Martice L. TorryBlackChild enticement
Matthew E. MayerWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Matthew R. NeumannWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Melvin H. CrosslanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael A. DenisWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael C. SzenteWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael C. WaierWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Michael D. NovakWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael P. HeimermannWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael PritzlWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael S. TiffanyWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Myron A. BlairWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Nathan B. EllwoodWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Nathan C. WillisWhiteLewd & lascivious with child
Nathaniel W. ByngWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Nicholas BerryWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Nicholas James FranzWhitePossess/distribute/exhibit an intimate representation
Nicklaus J. CopusWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Nickolas R. ReimannWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Oakes RittlerWhiteSexual assault-sexual contact-helpless victim
Patrick C. HuffWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Patrick G. RothWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Patrick R. J. FrickeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Paul A. BrockmanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Philip W. BeckmanWhitePossession of child pornography
Quentin B. WoodWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Quenton C. NuttingWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials, third-degree sexual assault
Randy RogersWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Randy WestBlackSecond-degree sexual assault, attempt-aggravated criminal sexual assault
Raven K. LawsAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Reginald HoseBlackSecond-degree sexual assault
Reginald J. HauptWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Richard J. HilbelinkWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Richard John LeikerWhitePossession of child pornography
Richard W. FerrieWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Robert A. BundyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, child enticement, exposing a child to harmful materials
Robert C. HibbardWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Robert D. NytesWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert H. MarkhamWhiteChild enticement, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert L. KroghWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert M. PeschkaWhiteChild enticement
Robert R. SchindlerWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, sexual assault
Robert T. HenricksWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert WingersonWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Rodney A. FischerWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Rodney L. LevendoskiWhiteSexually violent person commitment, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Roger P. VanderlogtWhiteSexual exploitation of child, possession of child pornography, exposing a child to harmful materials
Roger R. WegnerWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Ronald D. MitchellWhitePossession of child pornography
Roy R. RandallWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Russell R. KubshWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Ryan J. DanielsonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Scott A. LippertWhiteChild molesting, convicted child sexual offender working with children
Scott FritschWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Scott G. WilleckeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Scott HallwachsWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Scott L. DenisWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Scott M. YandaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Sean A. EllisWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Sean D. IsaacsonWhitePossession of child pornography
Shawn M. GilbertsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Steven A. GoveWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault
Steven J. HoltWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Steven P. SalkowskiWhitePossession of child pornography
Tate M. SeidlWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Terry F. LyonsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Theresa Amy PersickWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Thomas C. PaepkeWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas GriesbachWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas M. StitesWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Timothy D. PozorskiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Todd D. HeidemanWhiteChild enticement
Todd R. RamosWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Tou Keng VangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault
Travis J. StelzerWhiteSexually violent person commitment, child enticement, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Travis L. WilsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Travis S. KortbeinWhitePossession of child pornography
Vicky L. SchmittWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Vince L. LueckWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Walter J. GibasWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
William Bailey James SelbyWhitePossession of child pornography
William C. DewittWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
William F. PerryWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, first-degree sexual assault of a child
William G. BehrmannWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
William J. TadischWhiteUse of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime
William V. SpindlerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Zacchues HayesBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Zachary A. VanderlindenWhiteThird-degree sexual assault


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