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Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Registry shows 378 sex offenders living in Sheboygan County in week ending Oct. 22


There were two fewer registered sex offenders living in Sheboygan County in the week ending Oct. 22 compared to the previous week, according to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.

There were 378 sex offenders registered in Sheboygan County in the week ending Oct. 22, compared to 380 the week before.

The Registry shows 328 of these sex offenders are White.

Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely than White Americans to be given lengthy prison terms after being found guilty of sexual assault offenses. Between 2006 and 2017, sentencing for sexual abuse convictions among Black people increased by 1,330.47%, while sentences for White people fell by 8.66%.

Wisconsin, which ranks eighth for the overall number of sex offenders, ranks fifth for sex offenders per 100,000 residents.

A total of 767,023 people were listed on state sex offender registries as of April 2022. This is approximately a two percent decrease from 2021.

Frequently updated information about sex offenders in Wisconsin can be found online here.

Registered sex offenders in Sheboygan County as of week ending Oct. 22

Adam J. MccabeWhiteExpose child to harmful material
Adam MendezWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Adrian M. ReinwandWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Alan W. CallWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 2nd degree
Albert P. WebsterBlackRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Alec D. V. HenryWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Aleksander M. GordziejWhitePossession of child pornography
Alex L. KaufmanBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Alexander R. BoelterWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Alexander ReynosoWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Alexis Sr TorresWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Allan C. OldenburgWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Allan C. SoucheckWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Allen F. KingWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Alvin F. ReeseWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Andrew D. TershnerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Andrew J. StewardBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Andrew Ray SchloughWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Andrew T. BorgerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Andy I. AreyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Anthony A. RowdenWhiteSexual battery/injury not likely
Anthony D. BerryWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Anthony J. FrankovisWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Anthony Lynn KoberWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Arnold S. RamakerWhiteIndecent behavior with a child, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Austin J. ReinekingWhiteChild enticement
Benjamin E. WalkerBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Benjamin F. HeymanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Blake D. KuekerWhiteEntice a child to remove clothes
Bobby D. DudleyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Bonifacio OrdonezWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Brad D. HolderWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, child enticement
Brad L. DainWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Bradlee FaasWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Bradley L. KilgoreWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Brandon A. CamposWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Brandon Patrick FarleyWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Brandon S. SturmWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brandon W. SchweisthalWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Brent Lawrence PalmWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, exposing a child to harmful materials
Brian J. RautmannWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Brian K. HahnWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Brian K. JohnstonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brian Luke KuhfussWhiteSexual exploitation of child
Brian P. ChristelWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brian S. SchiefelbeinWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Bruce D. JohnsWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Bryan GuarjardoWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Bryan P. FlemingWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Calvin D. GideonWhitePossession of child pornography
Camilo DemataWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Carl C. BieberitzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Carl L. BoettcherWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Carlo J. LutzkeWhiteUse of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime
Chad R. MoanWhiteChild pornography
Chad R. VannesWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Chad SchmidtWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles A. BangleWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles A. WortmanWhiteChild enticement, first-degree sexual assault of a child, sexually violent person commitment, first-degree sexual assault
Charles E. WasteWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles J. Sr BrumerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Charles J. WegnerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles JohnsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles L. AmwegWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles V. PlocarWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Charlie E. ChristieWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Chia XiongAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Christian Michael KleinWhitePossession of child pornography
Christopher A. JolitzWhitePossession of child pornography
Christopher BarberWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Christopher J. KlingeisenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher L. DrewsWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher S. VolgmannWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher T. MalwitzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher T. RileyWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher W. FitzpatrickWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher Wayne GableWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Clayton R. MichenerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Clemente RojasWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Corey D. HausnerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Cory J. KleinhansWhiteChild enticement
Craig J. Fultz-TemplemanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Creg S. SeehaverWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Dakota G. De SwarteWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Daniel A. ClevelandWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Daniel J. RahnWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Daniel M. PircWhiteSexual assault/ child/postrust-victim under 15
Daniel W. StoneWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Darnell J. JohnstonBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Darrell Emil ZellerWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 1st degree -penetration-victim 13-15-position authority
Darrin A. PuksichWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
David A. GustafsonBlackUse of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime
David A. VoigtWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
David B. EastonWhiteLewd/lascivious activity upon a child under 14
David DavisBlackSecond-degree sexual assault
David J. BinderWhiteSexual assault child
David P. BurnsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David R. GawelWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David RiesWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
David T. LyonsWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
David W. TerrellWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Davis Bradley KleinWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Denis L. RieckWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Deontre SmithBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Dominic M. MahnWhitePossession of child pornography
Donald Allen LoesingWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Donald OtteWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Donald R. KaiserWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Donald R. LueckWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Donald W. ZimmermanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Donzell R. WattsBlackSexual abuse 3rd degree
Dustin Joe WebberWhiteCorruption of minor
Dwayne M. DavisWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Earl H. SchmittWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Edwin G. LivermoreWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eino A. AhlgrenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Elmer J. SchneiderWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eric A. PaskoWhiteChild pornography
Eric D. RenzelmannWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eric E. BohenstengelWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eric M. ReinekingWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eric M. RischWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, third-degree sexual assault
Ernest FloresWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Ernest J. RamirezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Ernie NeyWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Esequiel G. GarciaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault
Eugene R. ThedeWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Felipe CruzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Fernando G. MaciasWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Fernando N. MinglanaAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Frank E. PrahlWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Frank J. AlvaWhiteSexual exploitation of child, possession of child pornography
Frederick C. McfateWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Frederick J. MeyerWhiteEndanger welfare/child/2
Fredrick R. WarshipBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Gabriel RamirezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Gary D. BorthWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, child enticement
Gary L. SohnWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
George Alonzo HarrisBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
George D. BurtWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
George L. ColonWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Ger LeeAsian or Pacific IslanderSexual penetration with foreign object, forcible rape
Gerald E. BartsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Gerald TuckerBlackFirst-degree sexual assault
Glenn A. ReyerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Gordon HeinrichWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Gordon L. DainWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Grant D. HendersonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Gregory D. BaspedBlackSecond-degree sexual assault
Gregory D. GrassoldWhiteChild enticement, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Gustave K. BensonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Harvey R. KolbergWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Heather C. BoldtWhitePossession of child pornography
Henry H. EvenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Houa XiongAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Ike R. HowardWhiteIndecent assault us military
Jackson James SchoenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jacob D. DanielWhiteChild enticement
Jacob M. RosekWhiteFourth degree sexual assault
Jacob P. Ver LareWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jacob R. JarosinskiWhiteNot guilty by reason of mental disease
James A. KleppinWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James B. HendersonBlackFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
James BrownWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James C. HalleWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
James D. TurnerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child, enticing child for immoral purposes
James E. CanonBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James G. CahalaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James Noblin RodgersBlackSecond-degree sexual assault
James P. LerchWhitePossession of child pornography
James R. StibWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James W. WashingtonBlackRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Janel Deidre ArnoneWhiteRape 3rd degree
Jarred Allen ReillyWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Jarrett A. LathropWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Jason A. MartinWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason B. JonesBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason J. AlfonsiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason J. JacobyWhiteInvade privacy - use surveillance device (victim under 18 years old)
Jason J. PieffleWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason M. MendenhallWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason P. VandermusWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason R. AdkinsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Jason R. RoggeWhitePossession of child pornography
Jeffrey A. Sr FeldhausWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey G. WilsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Jeffrey M. KonahaAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeThird-degree sexual assault
Jeffrey MerriweatherBlackPredatory criminal sexual assault - attempt
Jeffrey S. MarkworthWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeremie C. SeltrechtWhiteChild enticement
Jeremy MorrisonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jerry E. ErwinWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jesse R. AllenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Joe R. MartinezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joel T. KohlmannWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John B. BrownellWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
John Gd SekellaWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John H. WrightWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
John I. TimmerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John Mcbride CrossettWhiteAttempted lewd or lascivious molestation victim under 12
John R. HoppeWhiteSexual assault of a child
John W. SieckmanWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, lewd activity upon a child
Johnathan James PirwitzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Johnnie B. BrittonBlackFalse imprisonment, third-degree sexual assault
Jon D. TermaatWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jonathan E. LeppWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jonathan W. KollmannWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jonethan Robert LindleWhiteExposing genitals/pubic area/intimate parts to a child
Jordan S. WilliamsBlackRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Jose ResendezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joseph C. JochimsWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Joseph M. EnglWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, use of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime
Joshua L. BattWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joshua T. MartinWhiteExposing genitals/pubic area/intimate parts to a child
Joshua V. PeaineWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Juan G. PatinoWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Julio RojasWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Keith D. BauerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Kelly D. OilerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kenneth K. KinneyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kenneth KarsnickWhitePossession of child pornography
Kenneth M. Burnette YorkBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, exposing genitals/pubic area/intimate parts to a child
Kenneth R. PeitzmeierWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kenneth SchultzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kenneth W. JankeWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Ker MouaAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kevin B. MitchellBlackSecond-degree sexual assault
Kevin J. MccabeWhitePossession of child pornography
Kevin L. SippelWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kevin R. HartlWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Kevin TraasWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kristopher A. BernierWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Lance HackWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Lee E. OsuchWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Lenny D. KissingerWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Lester J. GreenBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, second-degree sexual assault
Lewis JudkinsBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Linc R. KauWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, first-degree sexual assault
Lonnie A. HatleliWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Lorenzo SarabiaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Lucas George TetraultWhiteCommunication with a minor for immoral purposes
Luis E. MendezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Lyle D. WagarWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Mario A. AngottiWhiteUse of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime
Mark A. HaskinsWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Mark E. SeyboldWhitePossession of child pornography
Mark HeidelWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Mark P. HoltzAsian or Pacific IslanderAggravated criminal sexual abuse victim 13-16
Mark R. RickertWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault
Mary C. PapendieckWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Mary E. HerrWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Mason Andrew RoodWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Matthew C. ParmleyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Matthew D. KunertWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Maurice JohnsonBlackAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Mckinley E. PyeBlackPossession of child pornography
Melvin L. MeyerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Michael A. HernandezWhitePossession of child pornography
Michael BonneyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael CareyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael D. ReedWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael E. ChampeauWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael J. SchaalWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Michael L. BartleinWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Michael R. RohdeWhitePossession of child pornography
Michael W. SlinkerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael WintersWhitePossession of child pornography
Michelle L. KlotzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Milton A. BartzWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Mitchell D. PaskWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, child enticement
Nathan J. HawkinsAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Nathan Virgil ManningWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Nathen R. Elliott-BrownWhiteSexual assault
Neng MouaAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault
Nicholas D. DekkerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Nicholus R. HefterWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Nicky S. WeisbergWhitePossession of child pornography
Pablo R. Barreno-OrellanaWhitePossession of child pornography
Pao Choua Sr ChangAsian or Pacific IslanderCapture an intimate representation (victim under 18 years old)
Pascal Ted JohnstonWhiteSexual assault 2nd degree
Patrick MarrWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Paul BallbachWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Paul E. HilbelinkWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, use of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime
Paul H. GradeWhiteChild enticement
Paul J. WaterhouseWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Peter Z. GrubWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Pheuk KueAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Phillip A. Sr LopezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Phillip S. CheneyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Phillip WynveenWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Phoenix M. ReyesWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Ramiro CapetilloWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Randal L. ThompsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Randall E. JarvisWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Raul R. SantoyaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Raul RamirezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Ray R. VelezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Ric A. SteffenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Ricardo LopezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Ricardo RiosWhiteRape 3rd degree
Richard A. LampeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Richard H. FintelmannWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Richard V. ReyesWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, third-degree sexual assault
Robert Alan LawrenceWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert B. ChapaWhitePossession of child pornography
Robert BatemanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert D. KoernerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Robert L. EhrWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert L. WoolwineWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert M. PriceWhiteAttempted first-degree sexual offense with a child
Robert N. PalmerBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Rodney R. MaskeWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Ronald A. McwilliamsWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Ronald W. ChampeauWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Ronald W. StewartWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Ruben AguilarWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, causing mental harm to child
Ruben RangelWhiteCapture an image of nudity
Ryan F. GrayWhitePossession of child pornography
Ryan J. GruenkeWhiteLewd, lascivious behavior-exposure, exposing genitals/pubic area/intimate parts to a child
Ryan L. SabrowskyWhiteCausing mental harm to a child
Ryan Robert ReiseWhiteSexual with a child age 16 years or older, fourth-degree sexual assault
Sage E. HuntingtonWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Samuel Joseph NiemiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, cause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Scott C. BrendelWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Scott D. SteffenWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials, child enticement
Scott D. VeldboomWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Scott DockertyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Sean James CampbellWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Sean L. PenaWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Shane L. CordesWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Shawn A. MeierWhiteSexually violent person commitment, first-degree sexual assault
Shawn C. HeuleWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Shawn OttumWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Shea Dustin HoffmanWhiteAttempted sexual assault on a child
Sherrie L. AdamavichWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Stephen J. GrimmWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Stephen M. WierengaWhitePossession of child pornography, sexual assault of a student by school staff
Stephen S. DemersWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Steve HamiltonBlackFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Steven D. FinkWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Steven D. FreitagWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Steven PerkinsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Suzette D. OberstWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Tadeus JarominWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Teng ThaoAsian or Pacific IslanderHuman trafficking, trafficking of a child
Terry Eli BitterWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Terry L. TerrellWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, child enticement
Thao Seng VangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas K. WirthWhitePossession of child pornography
Timothy D. WeimannWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Timothy ElliottWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Timothy S. GrandeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Timothy S. RenzelmannWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Todd A. HeckertWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Todd B. PetersonWhitePossession of child pornography
Tomy D. BrownBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Torie Ann MasonWhiteExposing genitals/pubic area/intimate parts to a child
Travis J. GandyWhiteSexual exploitation of child, sexual assault of a student by school staff, exposing a child to harmful materials
Travis L. MojeckWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Travis M. HintonBlackCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Tre-Vaughn D. PoeBlackSexual exploitation of child
Troy A. BeroWhiteChild enticement
Tyler J. SchneiderWhiteSexual assault
Tylor B. YarringtonWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Tyshan L. SimmonsBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Uriah S. StarichWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Va ChangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, kidnapping
Vernon L. CarlsonWhitePossession of child pornography
Vichai XiongAsian or Pacific IslanderSexual assault on a child
Vincent Hunter BilottiWhiteChild enticement
Vong XiongAsian or Pacific IslanderComputer exploitation of a child 1st degree
Wayne R. RoeckerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Wendell D. AndersonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
William C. ZahnowWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
William H. ArpkeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child,
William J. SchickowskiWhitePossession of child pornography
Yee Peng LeeAsian or Pacific IslanderSoliciting a child for prostitution
Zachery A. ZavrlWhiteThird-degree sexual assault


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