Superintendent Chad Brakke | Cedar Grove-Belgium Area School District
Superintendent Chad Brakke | Cedar Grove-Belgium Area School District
Notice has been issued for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education for the Cedar Grove-Belgium Area School District. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 7:00 PM in the High School Library at 50 West Union Avenue, Cedar Grove, Wisconsin.
The agenda includes several items beginning with the call to order and roll call. Following this will be proof of notice and the Pledge of Allegiance. An approval of the agenda is also on the list.
Recognition will be given to Brandon Langer as "WIAA D3 Boys Cross Country Coach of the Year" for leading Cedar Grove-Belgium to their second state title. Additionally, Coach Garza has been named "2024 Wisconsin Soccer Coaches Association (WSCA) Girls High School Coach of the Year" and "United Soccer Coaches Coach of the Year for Wisconsin High School Girls Small Public Schools."
Public input and student input are part of the proceedings before moving into reports from various school officials. These include updates from the Superintendent, High School Principal regarding scheduling and athletics, Middle School Principal about student activities and athletics, Elementary School Principal concerning mid-year celebrations and literacy training updates, Rocket Academy Director, Director of Special Education on early childhood session addition and child development days.
Further reports will come from the Director of Business Services covering DPI update, finance update, and HR update.
The board will review several consent agenda items such as approving valedictorian and salutatorian positions, a resolution to purchase property, approving one student for an early college credit program, second readings on school calendars for upcoming years (2025/2026 and 2026/2027), possible approval of an international student trip along with approvals related to new hires and retirements.
A preview on district signage will be provided alongside updates on a waterway grant and school forest project.
A closed session under Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(c) is planned to discuss employment matters related to public employees within their jurisdiction or responsibility. Following this closed session discussion, any resulting actions will be addressed upon reconvening in open session before adjournment.